Memories of Lost Friends

Bev: We were “Friends Across the World!”

To My Friend Bev, from Marion/BCDIY

(Who wrote part of this to me: Marion)
“To my dearest friend whom I have never met, but feel I have known all my life.  Thank you for all the pleasure you have given me over the last few years.”  Our internet friendship was one that defies description. Bev survived breast cancer for 18 years, but lost her fight November 15, 2008.

(Bev’s oldest daughter):

Mum was one of the most beautiful people I have ever known. I am not only talking about how she looked, I mean, in her heart.  Mum had the kindest gentle soul.  —  Mum was born in Brisbane, Australia.  At 16 she met a handsome young rusty headed man at a local dance.  His name was Ron, who would become my father. Mum & Dad saved & worked hard. Mum picked strawberries for extra income, to help with the family budget. She still found time to sew for us & dress all beautifully. We were a happy family of five.

Mum often told us kids, “It’s not so important how well you do, just be honest to yourself & do your best…” 

Mum loved an adventure. These adventures took her exploring in remote parts of New Zealand & Tasmania, walking through pristine rainforest searching for native animals.  Dad & Mum lived with native villagers in the Solomon Islands for a number of months, hunting & fishing with them & sleeping in their huts. Mum was particularly taken by the inner beauty of the Solomon Islanders.

Mum became quite involved with dads love of aircraft, to the extent that she got her pilots license.  She loved flying with him to different parts of Australia for various reasons. 

Some of my fondest memories with Mum revolve around the kitchen. We would spend hours making elaborate Chinese meals for the family – going exactly by the book – that was one thing about Mum – she was a perfectionist!  One particular trait that sadly, I did not inherit! She was particular about everything that she made: cooking, sewing, knitting, patchwork. The dresses she made Helen & me for various formals & balls & weddings & especially our own wedding gowns, were always finely detailed & immaculately finished. Although she always told anyone who would listen that she wasn’t an artist & she couldn’t even draw a straight line, I believe she was an artist in the truest sense of the word.  She could take a variety of materials & create something breathtakingly beautiful.

As her children moved out of the family nest, she found a new passion: patchwork quilting.  No wall was left bare, no bed uncovered, no cupboard left unfilled with beautiful intricate quilts.  Then Mum really began putting a few people out by she entering her patchwork in the local shows & consistently winning numerous awards. Although she was very happy with herself, I think dad was even prouder!

Mum instilled in us a love of nature & all its wonders. Mum taught us to love life, & to live honestly.  She taught us to be aware of our environment & to leave it pristine for generations to come.  Mum helped us see what is important & what isn’t. She taught us to search our soul & follow our heart.

Mum was a wingless angel, here for a short time to make the lives she touched, and a little bit better. I would often talk to her about some dribble or issue I had & she would quietly listen, never judging, let me get it off my chest, she was the best listener. I don’t think there are enough listeners in the world today; we are all in such a hurry to be heard above everyone else. 

I will miss talking with you Mum.  Therefore Mum, I do not bid you farewell, because in each moment, of every day of my life & all the lives of the people that you have touched along the way, we will feel you singing in all of our hearts.